Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

Поставщики услуг Mycro и специалисты по работе должны встретиться быстро и несложно.


Mycro предоставляет платформу, которая продвинется на вершину мирового рынка для сопоставления рабочих мест в реальном времени с помощью интуитивно понятных и простых операций. Через нашу одноранговую сеть для простых заданий мы возвращаем людям контроль над своим временем и балансом денег.

Mycro хочет решить большие проблемы общества, создав баланс между временем и деньгами, а также создать глобальную и децентрализованную одноранговую сеть для простых рабочих мест. Люди во всем мире должны сами выбирать, что они делают, когда и для кого они работают и какова их временная стоимость.

Успех Mycro во многом основан на интуитивном удобстве использования. Потребность в поставщиках услуг и специалистах по трудоустройству должна быть удовлетворена быстро и несложно. Это делается путем сравнения правильного предложения о работе с нужным сотрудником. Только тогда обе стороны достигнут своих целей. Хороший продукт для работы. Веселая и выгодная работа для сотрудников.

Дорожная карта:

Этап 1. Старт.
07.17 Старт - Микро концепция
02/2018 Команда и компания - создание Mycro.Jobs GmbH и развитие основной команды, разработка документации, дизайн юридической проверки токенов
05/2018 MVP - начать разработку MVP, запустить
веб-сайт белого списка 06/2018 веб-сайт ICO онлайн, умное завершение контракта краудсейл
Q3 / 2018 Частные продажи для стратегических партнеров с долгосрочной ценностью для проекта
Q1 / 2019 Предпродажи для "ранних инвесторов"
Q1 / 2019 Основные продажи - ICO, приобретение капитала для развития микросети и внедрения дорожной карты

** Этап 2. Расширение **

Q2 / 2019 Зарегистрируйтесь на бирже MYO - мы будем работать над списком MYO на соответствующей бирже
Q2 / 2019 Мягкий запуск MVP - Местный рынок (Германия)
Q4 / 2019 Национальный запуск - приложения будут запущены в немецких городах Берлине, Мюнхене, Гамбурге, а также в городах Швейцарии, Швейцарии и Австрии.
Запуск Q2 / 2020 в Европе - приложения будут запущены во Франции, Испании, Швеции, Италии - предпочтительно в Париже, Барселоне, Стокгольме и Риме
Глобальный запуск Q1 / 2021 - приложения будут запущены в Азии и США.

** Децентрализация **

Q3 / 2021 Начало децентрализации - Постепенное внедрение механизма децентрализации
Q3 / 2022 Полная децентрализация - децентрализованные возможности компьютеров и хранилищ используются для управления независимыми экосистемами (IPFS, Golem, Sonm)

ICO была запущена для продвижения проекта:
Имя токена:
MYC Softcap: 3 500 000 евро
Hardcap: € 14 000 000
Всего выпущено: 100 000 000 MYO
Предварительная продажа: 26 000 000 юаней
Первичные продажи: 40 000 000 MYO

Начиная с ICO: первый квартал 2019 года


Более подробную информацию вы можете найти на официальном сайте MYCRO ниже:

АВТОР; golem999
мой профиль bitcointalk: golem999

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

MYCRO - a balance between time and money

Warm regards to the readers this time I introduce a balance between time and money, MYCRO. What is Mycro? Well, I will review it as follows ...

Keterangan foto tidak tersedia.


Mycro provides a platform that will advance to the top of the global marketplace for matching real-time jobs through intuitive and simple operations. Through our peer-to-peer network for simple jobs, we give people back control of their time and balance of money.

Mycro wants to solve the big problems of society by creating a balance between time and money and also to build a global and decentralized peer-to-peer network for simple jobs. People all over the world must choose for themselves what they do, when and for whom they work and what their time value is.

Gambar mungkin berisi: malam dan luar ruangan
Gambar mungkin berisi: 1 orang, dalam ruangan
The technology that gave us the first transparent, safe, and decentralized currency through Bitcoin has opened the floodgates for highly innovative business solutions through smart contracts on networks such as the Ethereum Network. Through this, a large number of businesses have scored a group of people who grow with significant wealth related to cryptocurrency.

However, as it happens, the process of translating wealth accumulated in cryptocurrency into real life experiences to be enjoyed by cryptocurrency owners, unfortunately, is very troublesome. Buying, transferring and exchanging cryptocurrency with widely accepted "money" is complicated, slow, and unstable.

Real-world usability issues related to cryptocurrency have pushed a number of companies to overcome this challenge. While many competitors in this space have approached it with prepaid plastic card solutions that seem logical, their use cases are limited to a few cryptocurrency and revenue is limited to only a small number of Traders, thus hampering wider adoption. Before I continue, let's look at the video below to find out more about MYCRO


To protect the most valuable gift, offer life to people, namely TIME.


We found two problems in society today, namely Time and Money

Those who have time want money. In today's society, there are many people in the world who are rich in time but want to have more money. Due to lack of financial resources, they are worried about money most of the time.

Having a lot of free time is enjoying free time spending a lot of money. Money for recreational activities and hobbies, family money, life money. Lack of money makes me sad and this makes people unhappy. Anyone who asks about his financial problems will tell you that he needs MONEY.


Time is a phenomenon that accompanies people throughout their lives. Those who have money want time. time cannot be accumulated and stored.

Time is a basic requirement for all the most valuable life forms and resources that people have. Living without time is an unexpected thing.


The solution to this problem is MYCRO

Mycro creates innovative solutions for people with problems of time and money and tokenize the imbalance between time and money.

Simple Mycro. Hurry up. Intuitive.

Home services

Under home services, mycro provides these services such as gardening, cleaning, tidying, replacing, minor repairs, cleaning windows, washing, ironing, cooking.

Delivery service

By doing shopping, driving services, transportation services, shipping services.

Virtual service

Internet research, travel planning, assistance services, clerical work, online surveys.

Skilled service

Tutoring, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, arranging computers, installing TV, DJs, servants, setting up internet connections.


Economic Gig

One of the fastest growing parts of the global labor market. At present, 200 million people are involved - this number is expected to increase to one billion in the next few years.

Good value for the community

With our solutions, we give people back control of their time and money and improve the lives of millions of people.

Decentralized system

From the very beginning, we built smart contract software architecture on the blockchain to realize a vision of a fully decentralized system.

Brilliant team

Together, we have more than 150+ years of experience in building companies, developing software and blockchain and marketing. And we love what we do.

  • Token name: MYO
  • Softcap: 3,500,000 €
  • Hardcap: € 14,000
  • Supply tokens: 100,000,000 MYO
  • Private sales: 26,000,000 MYO
  • Main sales: 40,000,000 MYO

Blockchain Specifications: ERC20
Method of participation: ETH
Start ICO: Q1 / 2019

Hasil gambar untuk DISTRIBUSI TOKEN mycro
Token and
fund distribution

40% Public sale
26% Private sale
12% Reward pool
9% Team & founders
8% Bonus & advisors
5% Bounty program
45% Marketing
40% Development,
technology & payroll
8% Banking & crypto
7% Legal, consulting &
Total MYO amount: 100,000,000


Founders 50% » 24 months
75% » 18 months
100% » 12 months
Team and advisors 50% » 12 months

Phase 01: Start


Start - Mycro's conception


Team & company - the establishment of Mycro.Jobs GmbH and the development of the core team, development of white paper, legal review of token design


MVP - Starting from developing MVP, launch the white list website


Online ICO website, Crowdsale Smart Contracts is ready

Q3 / 2018

Private sales for strategic partners with long-term value for the project

Q1 / 2019

Pre-sale for initial investors

Q1 / 2019

Main sales - ICO, procuring capital for Mycro network development and roadmap implementation

Phase 02: Expansion

Q2 / 2019

List of MYO exchanges - We will work on MYO lists on the appropriate top exchanges

Q2 / 2019

Soft launch of local market MVP (Germany)

Q4 / 2019

National launches - Planned are German cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and German-speaking cities in Switzerland and Austria

Q2 / 2020

European Launch - Countries planned are France, Spain, Schweden, Italy - Favorite cities are Paris, Barcelona, ​​Stockholm and Rom

Q1 / 2021

Global launch - Planned are cities in Asia and the United States

Phase 03: Decentralization

Q3 / 2021

Start decentralization - the introduction of a step-by-step decentralization management mechanism

Q3 / 2022

Full decentralization - computer capacity and centralized storage are used to operate independent ecosystems (IPFS, Golem, Sonm)

Hasil gambar untuk peta jalan mycro

If you want to get more information, you can visit the link below:

Author: golem999
My profile bitcointalk: golem999

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

Kamis, 28 Maret 2019


Warm greetings to the readers this time I will give you an idea about a highly trusted digital currency trade and the following is the review

Hasil gambar untuk CAT.EX

Currently, the trading - exchange platforms have increased requirements.

The fact is that a lot of bottlenecks have been revealed, undermining the confidence of inexperienced users in the owners of such platforms.

Many asset trading platforms exist in a variety of forms.

They provide lovers of cryptocurrency the opportunity to use peer-to-peer exchange, using a neutral trading platform or using various brokers.

But now, when the state of the digital assets market develops and changes in the direction of increased complexity, naturally it requires a much more updated exchange that could reveal and eliminate all its bottlenecks so that it fully corresponds to the interests of traders. In order to turn this idea into reality, more convenient, fast and reliable trading and exchange platforms and exchanges are needed.

Hasil gambar untuk CAT.EX

Catex is planning to solve these problems. Catex exchange creates a platform where customers of the exchange will never need to use another site for exchange, except for the Catex Platform.

That is, absolutely all issues will be resolved. The exchange is confident that it will create a foundation that will be reliable and effective enough to attract customers and provide them with the best conditions. The platform also tries to give the best speed with which the exchange should be and offer the best exchange method.

It also offers the rapid acquisition and movement of cryptocurrencies, as well as the possibility of installment payments based on Fiat.

Catex is located in China and is a platform for exchanging transactions. It provides users with the ability to exchange (buy / sell) cryptocurrencies between themselves, using the available market pairs.

The platform offers a hybrid solution in which you can simultaneously perform cryptographic transactions and extract platform tokens (CATT), which will be used to return transaction fees to users.

The expected profitability of the commission is 110%. In Catex, 80% of the platform’s profits will be distributed to users who hold CATT tokens. It will be beneficial to keep the token since the more CATT holder has, the greater the dividends.

In short, here are some of the main advantages of the exchange:
The platform is multilingual and contains instructions in different languages.

General management control over Catex is exercised by the user community, not the team.

Any cryptocurrency can be easily added to the platform after community voting. To vote, you must be the owner of CATT tokens.

These tokens should be approximately in the region of 10. By the way, this voting activity helps many projects to appear and be listed on the stock exchange without paying listing fees.

Trading on the platform runs in parallel with the mining, in which users receive a 5% bonus when mining.

The exchange has an adequate level of security and allows users to safely trade their favorite assets.
This concludes the review.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a project has every chance of success in a crypto-community and bring profit to its investors in the near future.

Author: golem999
My profile Bitcointalk: golem999

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

PIATTAFORMA CATEX - Scambio di transazioni minerarie

I principali cambiamenti tecnologici in questo mondo portano molti cambiamenti interni ed esterni. La tecnologia blockchain ha fatto un buon lavoro nel superare le sfide dell'accettazione globale.

Tuttavia, ci sono molti ostacoli che attualmente impediscono alle piattaforme basate su blockchain di raggiungere un potenziale successo.

Ad esempio, devono essere in grado di operare a un livello di elaborazione più elevato, avere una maggiore capacità di elaborare volumi di transazioni più elevati, solo gli utenti che necessitano del controllo del 100% sui propri fondi (sicurezza) e devono avere un basso costo per transazione.

Lo scambio deve soddisfare tutte le esigenze per completare questa forte domanda. Piattaforme come Bitcoin ed Ethereum (i migliori criptos sul mercato) hanno difficoltà ad adattarsi all'aumento esponenziale dei nuovi utenti. Scalabilità, velocità e sicurezza sono diventati i punti principali che devono essere superati da Bitcoin ed Ethereum per continuare a sviluppare la loro piattaforma.

 Tuttavia, nuove monete e gettoni appaiono ogni giorno, e ciascuno vuole fornire servizi diversi oltre alle prime monete come Bitcoin ed Ethereum e vogliono portare la tecnologia Blockchain un ulteriore passo avanti. Nuove sono aggiunte al nuovo scambio per aumentare il volume delle transazioni per lo sviluppo e il supporto di questi sottocampi.

Uno di questi è lo scambio Catex.

Il mercato azionario che esaminerò oggi ha diverse caratteristiche, non come ho detto sopra. Raccoglie anche le caratteristiche positive di molte persone in un unico corpo e ci salva dal cercare modi diversi.

Sto parlando di Catex. Recentemente, le persone interessate alla crittografia hanno iniziato a sentire i loro nomi. Perché offrono un rendimento favorevole per gli investitori. Possiamo dire che gli investitori sono incoraggiati a scambiare scambi con commissioni inferiori, incoraggiando gli investitori a distribuire dividendi.

Esiste un commercio trasparente tra gli obiettivi di borsa Catex. Sia che ci sia un volume nella maggior parte delle borse, sia a bordo a bordo per scopi di pompa di scarico, l'elenco viene eseguito in base alla decisione di gestione del mercato azionario. Il mercato azionario di Catex è destinato principalmente ad ascoltare i suoi investitori. Catex è pronta a fornire tutti i tipi di supporto se gli investitori vogliono trasferirsi.

Catex è pronto per essere inserito nel mercato criptato dei cambi, perché non ci sono costi di trading e deposito competitivi. Catex ha dimostrato di essere una borsa sicura che viene utilizzata a causa delle appropriate misure di sicurezza applicate al sistema ea livello aziendale.

Cosa rende Catex.io speciale? Perché dobbiamo diventare membri dello scambio Catex e spostare qui i nostri investimenti? Diamo un'occhiata alle priorità.

Funzione Catex

  • Trading sicuro
  • Dividendi (compartecipazione alle entrate)
  • Bonus di estrazione
  • Credere nel potere dell'unità
  • Commissioni di transazione basse

Il mercato azionario di Catex ha i suoi marcatori come altre grandi borse.

Questo indicatore basato su ERC20 ti offre molti vantaggi. Cerchiamo di discutere brevemente di cosa si tratta.

Ma voglio condividere alcuni dettagli sul marker precedente. Il simbolo token è CATT, che sta per Cat Token. Sono stati lanciati 10 miliardi di CATT. Precedentemente 5 miliardi 3 volte su un totale di 8 miliardi sono stati bruciati.

L'importo attuale è di 2 miliardi di CATT. Inoltre, il mercato azionario spesso riduce la quantità di oscillazione. In questo modo, il prezzo dell'indicatore aumenterà nel tempo.

Quali sono i vantaggi di avere un token CATT?

Questo offre una serie di vantaggi per coloro che detengono i marcatori del mercato azionario. Il vantaggio più importante è la distribuzione dell'80% dei profitti dalla commissione giornaliera ai marcatori.

In questo modo, hanno attirato grande attenzione e attratto molti investitori. Inoltre, organizzano un airdrop specifico per i proprietari di token.

Se sei anche il proprietario di un token, paghi una commissione molto più bassa. Puoi anche ricevere premi minerari, con un determinato numero di token.

Incontrare la squadra

Potresti essere curioso dei proprietari di queste idee perfette, almeno quanto me. Fondatore e direttore di Catex:

per ottenere informazioni più accurate è possibile visitare il sito sottostante:

AUTORE: golem999
Il mio profilo bitcointalk: golem999

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

MYCRO - cara kerja sistem pembayaran antara penyedia pekerjaan dan pemberi kerja

Halo salam hangat dari saya golem999 baiklah saya minta waktunya sebentar buat anda para pembaca di sinih saya akan memberikan sebuah ulasan mengenai Teknologi Blockchain untuk membantu dan  mengatasi dari delimma waktu dan uang
Gambar mungkin berisi: teks

Bagaimana Mycro akan membantu dalam mencari pekerjaan?

Mycro bergantung pada fungsi penyortiran khusus. Baik pemborong maupun penyedia pekerjaan dapat menentukan preferensi mereka dan memberi peringkat berdasarkan kepentingannya.

Terima kasih, untuk algoritma pencocokan belajar mandiri cerdas yang akan mengurutkan tawaran pekerjaan yang tersedia, dengan mempertimbangkan preferensi yang dipilih sebelumnya, riwayat pekerjaan dan peringkat yang dihasilkan dari ini.

Pemborong menemukan semua tawaran pekerjaan yang diurutkan secara individual dalam Aplikasi Mobile. Ini semua didasarkan pada panduan pengguna atau permukaan pengguna yang dapat dibandingkan dengan jaringan seperti Tinder. Pemborong hanya perlu menggesek untuk melihat melalui tawaran pekerjaan dan mencari penawaran yang sesuai.

Pekerjaan diurutkan dalam urutan menurun berdasarkan tingkat kompatibilitas.

Bagaimana cara kerja sistem pembayaran antara penyedia pekerjaan dan pemberi kerja?

Jika pekerjaan disetujui antara penyedia pekerjaan dan sepuluh pekerja, keduanya akan menerima kode QR pribadi. Awal pekerjaan ditandai oleh penyedia pekerjaan memindai kode QR pemborong. Jika kedua belah pihak telah memutuskan pembayaran dengan cryptocurrency, jumlah yang disepakati akan dikirim langsung ke kontrak pintar escrow pada tahap ini. Uang akan disimpan dalam kepercayaan oleh kontrak pintar escrow saat pekerjaan dilakukan (escrow). Penyedia pekerjaan maupun pemberi kerja tidak memiliki wewenang untuk mengakses uang. Untuk mengakhiri pekerjaan, pemborong memindai kode QR penyedia pekerjaan dan kontrak pintar akan mengurus Uang pemborong itu.

Mycro adalah platform antarmuka intuitif yang dirancang untuk orang-orang yang tidak memiliki waktu atau keterampilan untuk melakukan pekerjaan berbasis rumah mereka. Misalnya jika Anda ingin membersihkan apartemen Anda tetapi Anda tidak punya waktu sehingga Anda dapat menempatkan pekerjaan Anda di aplikasi mereka yang memungkinkan Anda terhubung dengan anggota lain yang dapat membantu Anda. Bagi orang-orang yang mencari pekerjaan di tempat lokal mereka dapat dengan mudah mulai mencocokkan pekerjaan mereka melalui platform Mycro.

Sebagai imbalan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diperlukan yang dilakukan pengguna Mycro hanya membayar biaya 2% untuk penggunaan versi Mycro yang terdesentralisasi lengkap yang 28% lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan jaringan lain yang tersedia di pasar saat ini.

Jenis Pekerjaan

Aplikasi Mycro Mobile akan sangat membantu untuk mencari pekerjaan dari kategori berikut:

Sistem Reputasi

Mekanisme reputasi dan peringkat sangat penting dalam setiap industri dan menurut para ahli, lebih dari 60% orang membaca ulasan online sebelum membeli apa pun. Mekanisme peringkat kami saat ini adalah sistem terpusat tetapi dalam platform Mycro ketika pekerjaan akan dilakukan dengan sukses maka ulasan pengguna akan disimpan dalam kontrak yang cerdas. Peringkat akan ditautkan ke pekerjaan yang melaksanakan alamat eter pengguna yang akan menyelesaikan masalah penilaian palsu.


Aplikasi Seluler akan tersedia untuk versi Android & iOS.

Dasbor akan memiliki antarmuka yang mudah digunakan dan hanya dapat diakses melalui seluler hanya untuk memposting dan mencari pekerjaan.

Desain dan Fungsi Token:

Distribusi Token:

Peta jalan


Dalam Nutsell: Konsep Proyek Ini Adalah Untuk Menyediakan Waktu Gratis dan Uang Tambahan Untuk Orang-Orang Sehingga Mereka Dapat Bekerja Sesuai Keinginan Dan Menghabiskan Lebih Banyak Waktu Dengan Ada Dekatnya Dan Dears Daripada Menghabiskan Lebih Dari Setengah Dari Kehidupan Ada Untuk Beberapa Potongan Dengan Koin Yang Hanya Kebutuhan Esensial Yang Bisa Memenuhi.

Untuk Rincian Lebih Lanjut Kunjungi:

Penulis: golem999
Profile bitcointalk saya: golem999

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

ICO Mycro

hallo, herzliche grüße an meine leser, golem999 möchte ein sehr gutes Projekt über Krypto-Währung geben oder einführen, das Über Mycro ist

Mycro ist die Satua-Plattform Eine intuitive mobile Anwendung, die innovative Lösungen für Menschen mit Zeit- und Kostenproblemen schafft und das Ungleichgewicht zwischen Zeit und Geld reduziert. Auf der Mycro-Plattform werden kurzfristig einfache Aufträge kostenlos direkt im Netzwerk bereitgestellt.

Durch den bekannten und intelligenten selbstlernenden Algorithmus der Dating-Plattform passt Mycro diesen Job pünktlich zum richtigen Auftragnehmer an.
Mycro Token (MYO) wird im dezentralisierten Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk "Mycro" eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die technologische Basis dafür ist die Blockchain Ethereum.

Von Mycro Alone bietet viele Jobs an, wie:

Hausdienste: (Gartenarbeiten, Reinigen, Reinigen, Reißen, kleine Reparaturen, Fensterputzen, Wäsche waschen, Bügeln, Kochen usw.)
Lieferservice: (Beschaffung, Fahrdienstleistungen, Transportdienstleistungen, Versanddienstleistungen usw.)
Virtuelle Dienste: (Internetrecherche, Reiseplanung, Unterstützungsdienste, administrative Arbeiten, Online-Umfragen usw.)
Professionelle Dienstleistungen: (Nachhilfeunterricht, Fotografieren, Modellieren, Klavierunterricht, Computer, TV-Einstellungen, DJs, Bedienstete, Internetverbindungseinstellungen usw.)

So verwenden Sie das Mycro-Token-Symbol (MYO)

Job-Shopping - Verwenden Sie Mycro Token (MYO), um eine bessere Position im Dashboard des Jobanbieters zu erreichen. So können Sie Ihre eigenen Kosten ermitteln. Wir nennen es Job-Shopping.
Auszeichnung - Erhalten Sie MYO aus einer Sammlung von Gemeinschaftspreisen, um nach dem Erfolg der Arbeit ein Ranking zu erstellen und die Mycro-Community aufzubauen - kontrolliert durch intelligente Verträge.
Währung - Es ist geplant, dass Sie Mycro-Token (MYO) verwenden können, um für die Arbeit zu bezahlen - auf zuverlässige und sichere Art und Weise mithilfe von Smart Contract Escrow. (Planung)


Ein schnelles und benutzerfreundliches Matching basiert auf intelligenten und unabhängigen Lernalgorithmen. Der Erfolg von Mycro basiert maßgeblich auf der intuitiven Bedienbarkeit.

Die Bedürfnisse von Arbeitsvermittlern und Arbeitnehmern müssen schnell und unkompliziert erfüllt werden.

Dies geschieht durch die Abstimmung des richtigen Stellenangebots mit dem richtigen Auftragnehmer. Nur dann können die beiden Parteien ihre Ziele erreichen.
Das Ranking und die Überprüfung des Mycro-Netzwerks erfolgt dezentral. Zuverlässigkeit und Reputation sind sehr wichtig, wenn Menschen miteinander Kontakt haben.

Laut Ökonomen lesen mehr als 60% der Menschen die Bewertungen, die von anderen beim Online-Einkauf abgegeben wurden, bevor sie sich für ein Produkt entscheiden. Der Prozentsatz ist sogar noch höher, wenn das Ranking zuverlässig ist.

Für unübertroffene Sicherheit gibt es einen dezentralen Smart-Escrow-Vertrag.

Wenn ein Job genehmigt wird, erhalten der Jobanbieter und der Arbeitgeber jeweils einen persönlichen QR-Code. Der Start des Jobs wird durch den Jobanbieter angezeigt, der den QR-Code-Auftragnehmer scannt.
Niedrige Kosten
Es gibt keinen Vermittler.

 Es ist unsere Vision, das Mycro-Netzwerk in eine vollständig dezentrale Anwendung (dApp) umzuwandeln, ohne eine zentrale Einheit oder ein Zwischenunternehmen. Durch den Wegfall von Vermittlern werden Kosten von bis zu 30% in der Regel belastet, andere Netze müssen nicht mehr bezahlt werden.

Benutzer zahlen nur 2% für die vollständige dezentrale Version von Mycro.
Mycro Business Zusammenfassung

Fakten & Spezifikationen
MYC Softcap: 3.500.000 Euro
Hardcap: 14.000.000 €
Tokenvorrat: 100.000.000 MYO
Private Verkäufe: 26.000.000 MYO
Hauptumsatz: 40.000.000
MYO-Kettenblockspezifikationen: ERC20
Token-Beteiligungsmethode: ETH *
Starten Sie ICO: Q4 / 2018


Phase 01: Struktur
Start - Mycro's Konzeption
Team & Unternehmen - Gründung der Mycro.Jobs GmbH und Entwicklung des Kernteams, Whitepaper-Entwicklung, Überprüfung von rechtlichen Design-Token
MVP - Starten Sie von der MVP-Entwicklung aus die Whitelist-Website
Crowdsales intelligenter Vertrag ist fertig
Q3 / 2018
Privatverkauf für strategische Partner mit langfristigem Wert für das Projekt
Q4 / 2018
Vorverkauf für "frühe Investoren"
Q4 / 2018
Hauptumsatz - ICO, Beschaffung von Kapital für die Entwicklung des Mycro-Netzwerks und die Umsetzung der Roadmap

Phase 02: Erweiterung

Q1 / 2019
Wir werden an der MYO-Liste in der entsprechenden Austauschspitze arbeiten
Q1 / 2019
Sanftes Starten von MVP -
Lokaler Markt (Deutschland)
Q3 / 2019
Nationale Markteinführung -
Diese Anwendung wird in deutschen Städten wie Berlin, München, Hamburg und in deutschsprachigen Städten in der Schweiz und in Österreich gestartet.

Europäischer Q1 / 2020 Start -
Diese Anwendung wird in Frankreich, Spanien, Schweden und Italien gestartet - vorzugsweise in Paris, Barcelona, Stockholm und Rom
Q4 / 2020
Weltweiter Start -
Diese Anwendung wird gestartet
in Asien und den Vereinigten Staaten

Phase 03: Dezentralisierung
Q2 / 2021
Dezentralisierung starten -
Die Einführung eines dezentralen Verwaltungsmechanismus in Stufen
Q2 / 2022
Vollständige Dezentralisierung -
Computer und dezentrale Speicherkapazitäten werden zum Betrieb unabhängiger Ökosysteme (IPFS, Golem, Sonm) verwendet.

das Team

Und wenn Sie weitere Informationen erhalten möchten, besuchen Sie die folgende Website

Schriftsteller: golem999
Mein Bitcointalk-Profil: golem999

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2019

Mycro Uses a standalone and intelligent learning algorithm from the platform

hello best regards, back with me golem999 I want to give a review about MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be placed directly on the MYCRO network for free.

Hasil gambar untuk mycro ICO

I introduce MYCRO as an interesting and innovative project

This is where MYCRO JOBS comes to us. MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application to use. Simple short-term work can be placed directly on the MYCRO network for free. Using the intelligent intelligent self-learning algorithm of dating platforms, MYCRO captures these tasks on time with the right job seekers. He did the job. One person has time, other money.

Mycro provides services including:

Home Services

(Gardening, cleaning, tidying, stating, minor repairs, cleaning windows, washing, ironing, cooking, etc.)

Shipping service

(Do shopping, driving services, transportation services, shipping services and so on)

Virtual Services

(Internet research, travel planning, assistance services, administrative work, online surveys, etc.)

Skilled service

(Tutoring, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, computer settings, TV installation, DJs, servants, internet connection settings, etc.)

The Mycro platform has methods for making payments and transactions using Mycro Token (MYO).

How do I use mycro (MYO) tokens? Shopping for work

Use Mycro Token (MYO) to achieve a better position on the job provider's dashboard. This allows you to determine your own costs. We call it work expenditure.


Get MYO from the community prize collection to rank well after successful jobs and build the Mycro community - controlled by smart contracts. Currency Plans You can use Mycro tokens (MYO) to pay for work - in a reliable and safe way using a smart escrow contract. (planned) In the world today

Our time is mostly externally controlled. Time to work with our work, our clients, our social obligations. Therefore, we believe that every person in the world has the right to control his time. Our vision is to improve this right. For this reason, we will create a balance of time and money.

We will create the same global network and decentralization for simple work. People all over the world must choose what they do, when and for whom they work and how much time is precious to them. Our mission is to give everyone access to this opportunity, regardless of whether it comes from a village in Vietnam, on the outskirts of Berlin or from the center of Manhattan.

Hasil gambar untuk MYCRO ICO

How will Mycro help find a job?

Mycro depends on special sorting functions. Employers and job providers can determine their preferences and rank according to their interests. Thank you, for a smart self-learning matching algorithm that will sort available job offers, taking into account selected preferences, job history and rankings generated from this. Fillers find all job offers that are sorted individually on the Mobile Application. This is all based on user guidelines or user surfaces that can be compared to networks such as Tinder. The maker must

swipe to see through job offers and search for suitable offers. Jobs are sorted in descending order based on the level of compatibility.

What is the payment system between job providers and job seekers?
If the work is agreed upon between the job provider and ten employers, both will receive a personal QR code. Beginning of work is indicated by

Job providers scan the inventor's QR code. If both parties have decided to pay with cryptocurrency, the agreed amount will be sent directly to the escrow smart contract at this stage. The money will be

maintained in trust by smart contract escrow while work is done (escrow). Both the job provider and the employer have the authority to access money. To get the job done, job seekers scan QR codes for job providers and smart contracts will take care of the worker's money.

In return for getting the needed work, Mycro users only pay 2% of the fee for using the full version of Mycro which is decentralized, which is 28% less compared to other networks available on the market today.

Type of work
The Mycro Mobile application will be very helpful for finding jobs from the following categories:


The Mobile application will be available both for Android & IOS version .

The dashboard will have easy to use interface and can only be accessed via mobile only for posting as well as finding job.

Mycro network

Overall, the Mikrok Network consists of the following components which make it one of the best decentralized networks to maintain a balance of time & money balance. These components are as follows:

Market potential

According to a study conducted by McKinsey

The percentage of freelance workers in the US is generally 30% or more. while, some time ago, Freelancers Union and Upwork published a study that showed that 35% of US workers had become freelance

part time or full time and assume that with increasing digitization and liberalization, the percentage of 30% of these freelance workers can also be achieved in other regions.

Design and Function of Tokens:

Token Distribution:



In Nutsell: The Project Concept Is To Give People Free Time and Extra Money So They Can Work In Accordance With Their Desires And Spend More Time With There Suffering and Fear Than Spend More Than Half Life There For Some Pieces Of Coins With Which Only Important Needs Can Be Fulfilled.


AUTHOR: golem999 official
my profile bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1110079

ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

Jumat, 01 Maret 2019

Mycro ICO / MyCro ist eine Anwendung oder ein Projekt, das blockchain Ethereum und intelligente Vertragstransparenz verwendet

hallo wie grüßt ihr meine leser, der golem999 möchte einen kleinen rückblick auf das projekt geben, bei dem arbeitgeber die arbeit entsprechend ihrem budget und ihrer zeit und mit der erwarteten qualität abschließen. Und wo Freelancer für den Aufwand und die Arbeitszeit bezahlt werden.

Keterangan foto tidak tersedia.

Mycro ist für alle Arten von Freiberuflern und Arbeitgebern. Ob Heimdienste wie Gartenarbeit, Putzen oder Waschen, Einkaufs- oder Transportdienstleistungen, virtuelle Dienste wie Internetrecherche, Planung oder Büroarbeit und noch mehr qualifizierte Arbeit wie Nachhilfeunterricht, Fotografie und Unterricht können mit der MyCro-APP durchgeführt werden. Das Design von APPLICATION ist so gestaltet, dass jeder es leicht erreichen und verwenden kann.

Die Vorteile von MyCro sind sehr nützlich

Sparen Sie Zeit und Geld
MyCro verwendet eigene Münzen / Token mit der Bezeichnung MYO (MyCro Token). Die Verwendung intelligenter Verträge und die Zahlung der Blockchain-Technologie sind in wenigen Sekunden erledigt. Kurzarbeit kann innerhalb einer Minute kostenlos in der APP gepostet werden. Durch die Verwendung eines selbstlernenden Algorithmus kann der Jobabgleich mit dem zugehörigen Auftragnehmer in einer Minute durchgeführt werden. Das spart Zeit und Geld. Darüber hinaus spart es durch geringe Kosten mehr Geld.

Sichere Bewertung und Benutzerdaten / Überprüfung

Die meisten Benutzer wählen Freelancer, um ihre Arbeit basierend auf ihrem Rang abzuschließen. Hochrangige Freelancer erhalten mehr Aufgaben. Aber manchmal verwenden Benutzer gefälschte Bewertungen, um ihr Ranking zu erhöhen. Um diese Art von Spam zu entfernen, behält Mycro seinen Rang als dezentral. Benutzer müssen ihr Konto bestätigen, um mehr Arbeit zu erhalten. Da beide dezentralisiert sind, kann niemand diese beiden wichtigen Funktionen missbrauchen. Und Benutzerdaten sind mit dem Team sicher.

MyCro Token (MYO)

Die MyCro-Plattform ermöglicht Benutzern die Verwendung von Fiat und Kryptowährung. Die Verwendung von MyCro-Token bietet jedoch zusätzliche Belohnungen und die Möglichkeit, mehr Jobs zu erhalten. Benutzer können andere Kryptomünzen verwenden, um auf Jobs zu bieten, aber wenn sie MYO-Token verwenden, gibt es mehr Möglichkeiten, um Zustimmung zu erhalten und einen hohen Rang auf der Plattform einzunehmen. Poolpreise werden verwendet, um Token mit denjenigen zu verteilen, die MYO-Token für Plattformen verwenden.

Das Team

CEO & Gründer: Andre Bruckmann

CMO & Mitgründer: Christian Hampe


Nicolas Dillmann, Gründer von Lab25

Investoren & Partner




Fondsverteilung und Token


Marketing: 45%

Entwicklung: 40%

Banking & Krypto: 8%

Gesetz: 7%


Crowdsale: 66%

Preisgeld: 12%

Belohnungsprogramm: 5%

Berater und Bonus: 8%

Mannschaft: 9%

Token- und ICO-Details

Ticker: MYO

Gesamtmarker: 100.000.000

Weiche und harte Kappe: 35 Mio. Euro

ICO-Start: Q1 von 2019

Zahlungsart: Ethereum

Crowdsale 66%

Preisgeld: 12%

Belohnungsprogramm: 5%

Berater und Bonus: 8%

Mannschaft: 9%

Ich danke Ihnen für die Leser, die sich die Zeit genommen haben zu lesen, dass dies sehr nützlich ist und Sie an diesem Projekt teilnehmen können

Für genauere Informationen besuchen Sie den untenstehenden Link:


Schriftsteller: golem999
mein bitcointalk-profil: golem999
ETH: 0x710BB1d091DD5467c0608a917cBf4cC313ef764d

Goldenugget Mining extraction of minerals and geological materials

about the project GOLDENUGGET is a project that seeks to become an industry leader in the mining industry on the planet. This is the goal ...